Sunday, August 8, 2010


The Oxford Dictionary defines faith as "complete trust or confidence in someone or something:"
Trust and confidence is something that does not develop overnight, and thus we are at all times skeptical.
A friendly smile by a stranger in a train can be interpreted by us in so many ways, our skepticism builds a shroud around us that prevents us from just assuming that the person across is just another normal human being, who just happens to be happy at that point of time.
We do not trust the motives of something as simple as a smile today, and we dream of conquering the world with love and hope.
Why is something which is as simple as faith, such a hard thing to muster.
If we look into our hearts we secretly know we lack faith in ourselves. When that is the case, how can we have faith in someone else.

I end for now quoting Wordsworth-

"If this belief from heaven be sent,
If such be Nature's holy plan,
Have I not reason to lament
What man has made of man?"



  1. is a strange phenomena may be...sometimes we put in loads of effort to develop faith in someone or the other way round and sometimes from nowhere you start believing someone so easily and ponder whether its worth it or once built is hard to defeat and creates lot of conflict between mind and heart...hmmm tricky again!!

  2. Thats true, I would say that faith is an ncessary evil in todays world.
    In a time when we cant trust our own eyes, how can we trust something else.
